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The Future of Work is now. History in the making
The world is in disruption! Organizations are at the forefront of rapid and unprecedented change. The new normal is a distributed workforce, remote workers, running a business or managing teams from home. We are living through a major turning point in history. What will the history books document about work, innovation, leadership, and women in 2020? During this inspirational speech Dr. Wilen will share her thoughts on why the future of work is now and the positive outcomes that might last generations moving forward.
Technology- How past technology enables current workplaces to thrive.
How technology amplifies digital literacy and creating quantum leaps in innovation.
Talent Management- distributed remote teams are the norm and require different leadership skills.
Leaders- How to position people for success, embrace creative ideas and monitor metrics for success.
The Future of work – The office is so last year.
Release the zip code and the world of work changes.
The future of work is now- new economy, digital dexterity, innovation, work reimagined.
The future is Pink- herstory is today (optional segment for women conferences)
Working From Home (WFH): The New Normal
WFH is the new normal. Globally many of us are experiencing work remote, anywhere, permanently and it is a new adjustment. This speech will cover how you can set yourself up for long term success while working from home.
Speech points will cover:
How to create structure and a predictable work from home life.
Zones and spaces, Multi-purpose spaces, swapping zones
Working with Partners, Spouses, kids at home
Anxiety and News
Weekends and time off
Work, Social and Life
Exercise and health
How not to go nuts
The Future of Work is Now: Virtual Organization case study
The world is in disruption! Companies are at the forefront of rapid and unpredictable change. The continued accelerated pace of technology, and competitive forces is causing workplace environments to become more volatile and in need of disruptive leaders, employees to challenge the status quo. The context of work as we know it has changed. Today the new normal is working leading and working from home and it is a new experience for many people. With some planning and personal effort companies and workers can reap the benefits of remote employment. The session will cover basics such as organization structure, WFH, leadership techniques to more advanced concepts such as creativity, identifying emerging leaders, establishing metrics and developing talent.
- How the nature of work as we know it has changed.
- A case study of a company business unit Virtual Organization with metrics.
- How to redefine workflow and establish metrics and motivators for distributed teams.
- What leaders can to do to ensure a productive virtual team.
- How to identify and develop remote leaders.
- How to ensure employee engagement while WFH
- How you can tap into team creativity while leading from a distance.
- Tips and pointers for leaders, managers and employees
Is it time for a Career Selfie?
There are over 93 million selfies taken every day and this number is growing. Americans spend more time photographing themselves than focusing on their personal career development. One third of Americans are not financially prepared for retirement and many do not have a plan. Something is wrong with this picture! Is it time to take a career selfie? During this webinar individuals will learn how to take their own Career Selfie and ensure they are prepared for any job opportunity or career transition.
The Elevator Pitch - Bump into the CEO in the elevator and don’t know what to say? Learn what an elevator pitch is and how to create one that will ensure you are remembered.
Personal Brand - You want to stand out at work but your employer doesn’t know you exist? Learn how to develop a personal brand that will fast track you to your next career move.
Career Planning – You desire your employees to be more proactive about their personal career planning? During this workshop we will cover how to plan careers timelines and job goals in a 24X7 digital world.
Pump up your profile – When was the last time you reviewed your resume, social media profiles? Managers do review them. During this session we will review some techniques to improve your resume and personal profiles.
Interviews – Do you have an upcoming meeting for a job promotion or a job transfer and are uncertain on what to do? During this session you will learn basic techniques to help you prepare for your big day.
Futre of work is now. History
virtual org
career selife
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